Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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    Interagency Council for Gordon County


    The mission of the Interagency Council for Gordon County Schools is to promote and facilitate, through collaborative efforts, the positive transition of students with disabilities to their highest level of adult self-sufficency. The council is both informative and student-specific. It sponsors a Transition Fair as well as Employer recognition for businesses that hire individuals with disabilities, specific agency informational sessions, and post-secondary connections.

    The Council meets at the Gordon County Board of Education in the Green Room on the second Thursday of each month from 3:30 to 4:30 PM. 

    For more information, please contact Jean Moorehead or Alecia Segursky.

    Phone: 706-629-4474706-629-4474 

    Email: or