Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Okefenokee Regional Transition Alliance

The Okefenokee Regional Transition Alliance (ORTA) was formed in 2011 as an opportunity to collaborate with partners in transition projects. This collaborative effort is supported by Bacon, Brantley, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Pierce and Ware County’s school systems. In addition to the school systems, we are joined by supportive agencies including Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (GVRA), Goodwill Industries, Georgia Learning Resource System (GLRS), ARC of Satilla, Ware County Children’s Initiative, and Pierce County Family Connection as well as community members and parents of students with disabilities. The goal of ORTA is to create and improve opportunities for individuals with disabilities. ORTA strives to create awareness in our communities of the extraordinary possibilities these individuals have in their future.
The mission of the Okefenokee Regional Transition Alliance is to:
•       Increase community awareness and engagement
•       Improve connection between students/individuals with disabilities and businesses
•       Empower and encourage students to set goals and self-advocate
•       Promote and strengthen family involvement
•       Encourage and empower businesses to become employers
•       Promote post-secondary goals education opportunities
Meetings are held monthly during the school year at the Ware County Board of Education office located in Waycross, Georgia.  For more information please visit our website at Please also contact Kim Gibson, Ware County Parent Mentor, 912-287-2306,, Jann James, Georgia Learning Resource System (GLRS) director, 912-338-5998,