Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Three Rivers Transition Council

This regional Transition Council is a group of individuals from Appling, Bulloch, Candler, Evans, Emanuel, Jeff Davis, Screven, Tattnall, Toombs, and Wayne counties who meet to address the transition of individuals with disabilities from high school to employment, post secondary education, and or independent living. The council is comprised of a cross-section of the community, including individuals with disabilities, their families, employers, educators and agency representatives.  All council members have an equal voice and a proportionate responsibility for the work of the council. The council takes on projects to facilitate the transition of individuals with disabilities in their area. These regional projects are found to be more successful and to benefit a larger number of individuals with disabilities than would local projects. The work of a regional transition council benefits not only individuals with disabilities and their families, but employers through providing a diverse work force, and the community through the addition of productive citizens to the tax rolls. 

For meeting days, times and locations please go to or contact Jeannie Morris:

Phone: 912-739-1551
Mailing address:  PO Box 779, Claxton, GA 30417