Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Cherokee County Transition Council

The mission of the Cherokee County Interagency Transition Council is to facilitate a collaborative transition process for students with disabilities that will lead to the students' and their families' desired post-school outcome.  The goal of the council is to provide a clearinghouse to disseminate updated transition information regarding available services in the area.  Agencies representing post-secondary education, post-secondary vocational training and employment, and post-secondary independent living skills present information to the group and questions are  answered.  A PLU course is offered by Cherokee county Schools to encourage school staff to become more familiar with local and regional agencies and opportunities.

Other Activities include:
•       hosting of an Agency Information Fair each spring that is open to parents, students, school staff and the community
•       collaborating with community resources to maintain existing services and develop additional resources for students and their families.