Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Forsyth County Interagency Transition Council

This Interagency Transition Council has developed three subcommittees to address multiple needs of their students and families. 

  1. Parent Support and Networking for individuals with moderate to severe disabilities to the end of finding established transition resources for this population within the county.
  2. Transition Night for families, students, teachers, and the community where agencies come to share about their services.
  3. A transition program for 18-22 yr olds who would benefit from a vocationally focused curriculum while on the job most of the day.

The Transition Council meets at 4 PM at the Forsyth County Board of Education. 

For more information on all of our programs and resources,  go to

For more information, please contact Susan Darlington.

Phone:770-887-2461770-887-2461   ext. 202327
