Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Gwinnett Interagency Transition Council

The Interagency Transition Council brings together members from Gwinnett County Public Schools and Buford City Schools with local and regional agencies that provide post-secondary educational opportunities, vocational training, job coaching, and employment, as well as independent living skill development and supported living and work opportunities.

The GITC sponsers an annual Transition Fair which provides information on services and resources that will help students in their transition from school to their post-secondary environments.  The Transition Fair is open to students, parents, and teachers. Agencies are on hand to explain their services and sessions with general information are also provided. 

For more information, please contact Allison Vernon or Tamra King.

Phone:  678-301-7110678-301-7110  
