Alone we can
do so little;

we can do
so much.

- Helen Keller -

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Northeast GA Transition Team (NEGATT)

The mission of NEGATT is to help families, schools, agencies, and communities work together to enable students with disabilities to achieve their potential as adults.  

NEGATT serves Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Madison, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe and Walton counties. 

NEGATT meets at the Northeast Georgia RESA office, 375 Winter Street in Winterville, GA.  We meet 4-5 times a year. Guest speakers are invited to discuss opportunities and/or services that are available for children and adults with disabilities. The meetings are open to the public and consist primarily of parents of children with disabilities, educators, service providers and interested community members.


For more information, please contact Pam Moore Walley, Parent Mentor for Madison County Schools.


Phone: 706-795-0120706-795-0120  Ext. 1459


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