Metro South Regional Interagency Council
This Regional Interagency Council includes representatives from Butts, Fayette, Henry, Lamar, Newton, Pike, Spalding and Upson counties.
In order to meet the needs of the families in the region we:
- Maintain an updated Child Find pamphlet and distribute it to the Special Education Directors and other key stakeholders each year.
- Host an annual regional Transition Fair & Expo through our Transition Council (for all ages, not specific to post secondary).
- Maintain and update applicable resources in our Make It Take Center and Lending Library.
- Provide professional learning opportunities through Griffin RESA
For more information, please contact:
Holly Huynh, GLRS Coordinator
Griffin RESA: 440 Tilney Avenue, Griffin, GA 30224
Phone: 770-228-7317 ext. 221
Fax: 1-770-228-7316
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