Henry County Interagency Transition Planning Council
The mission of this council is to provide information to students with disabilities and their families as they transition through the educational process into adult life. They seek to do this by:
- providing a forum to discuss concerns and challenges with transition for parents of students with disabilities.
- providing a pool of resources for students with disabilities to be located in designated areas of school offices that students with disabilities can access in transition or post-school years.
- providing opportunities for self-advocacy and open communication for students and their support teams.
Other activities of the council include sharing information on transition with school staff; conducting a Transition Forum in March of each year for students, parents and community members; creating and disseminating a list of service providers (agencies that might assist them in the transition process) to be shared with students who are in transition.
Meetings of this council generally occur from 3 - 4 PM at the Henry County Education Center in Stockbridge, GA.
For more information, please contact Beth Pieczynski.
Phone: 770-957-8086770-957-8086
Email: Beth.Pieczynski@henry.k12.ga.us
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